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2025 대한약학회 춘계국제학술대회

2025년 04월 21일(월) ~ 04월 22일(화)

대구 EXCO (주소: 대구광역시 북구 엑스코로 10)

등록 일정

  • 학술대회 일정 : 2025년 04월 21일(월) ~ 2025년 04월 22일(화)
  • 학술대회 장소 : 대구 EXCO (주소: 대구광역시 북구 엑스코로 10)
  • 초록제출 기간 : 2025년 02월 24일(월) ~ 2025년 03월 21일(금)
  • 사전등록 기간 : 2025년 02월 24일(월) ~ 2025년 03월 21일(금)

초청의 글

Dear esteemed members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (PSK),

I am pleased to cordially invite you to the 2025 Spring Conference of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (PSK), to be held at EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea, on April 21-22, 2025.
The Spring Conference will be themed "Facing the Future of Open and Collaborative Innovation" and will seek to face the current status of new drug development based on open innovation and collaboration and to further advance future new drug development.

I, on behalf of PSK, am honored to invite Professor Jae-Beom Kim of the College of Life Sciences at Seoul National University, an internationally renowned professor, and Professor Jian Jin of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, a leading researcher in the field of Chemical Biology, as keynote speakers. Professor Jae-Beom Kim will present biological insights on adipose tissue remodeling and obesity-related metabolic inflammation and energy imbalance, while Professor Jian Jin will share his extensive expertise in small-molecule drug discovery, including the development of PROTAC degraders and other innovative small molecules.

The Spring Conference consists of a total of 27 symposia, 1 special symposium, and PSK lectures, all of which showcase the latest advances in the basics, applications, and development of new drug development. All sessions provide not only cutting-edge knowledge, but also opportunities for collaboration between researchers and industry professionals, and for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and networking among researchers from various fields. To foster the next generation of new drug development experts, the conference will provide opportunities for early-career researchers to present excellent research results and create a venue for networking, mentoring, and collaboration.

Your participation in the Spring Conference will contribute to promoting cutting-edge new drug research, development, and collaboration. I sincerely look forward to seeing you at Daegu EXCO this coming Spring and hope that all participants will enjoy this special event to the fullest.

President of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

Hyung Sik Kim

President of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea